"Most important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when
there seemed to be no hope at all" -Dale Carnegie

Friday, July 29, 2011

Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming.

Hey guys, sorry it has taken me so long to update y'all- it has been one busy, exhausting, and emotional week. So after my appointments over the weekend my 1 egg was finally big enough about 21mm when everything was said and done. Monday was the day- insemination which meant that Saturday night after 10pm I had to take the HCG shot which would make me ovulate in about 36 hours. Monday morning we went into the drs and had the pleasure if being inseminated. I didn't know it was going to hurt like it did. They used a long catheter and stuck it all the way into my uterus and then injected John's sperm. It hurt while it was happening but the real pain did not start until later that day. I was cramping and throbbing so bad I couldn't even walk. I had to lay down and not move. Tuesday my smart ass tried to go back to work... That was a mistake! Everyone at work was very supportive but it just hard because I really could not do my job. Lets just say that I have not been back to work yet. I am feeling much better and yes I can walk now but there is still pressure in my uterus which I hope is a good thing.
The only bad thing about this whole thing is that there is nothing more I can do. All there is is waiting and waiting and waiting. At least throughout everything else I was doing something that was working towards the cause- pills, shots, dr appointments. Now the only thing is wait. I have a whole- very long two weeks before we know anything. Monday the 8th of August is the soonest I can test. The dr pretty much said it is cut and dry. Monday I am either pregnant or my period should start then. Man, I am so scared, nervous and oh so excited. We are really trying not to get our hopes up too much because this can be very devastating month but we are staying positive- that's all we can do.
So, all I ask is for you to pray for us- pray to whoever you pray to. We are doing the same thing. If you don't pray cross those fingers.. and toes! Thanks y'all!


  1. Thinking positive thoughts for you guys! And crossing my fingers and toes! Try to relax, if you can!

  2. I love you so much pretty princess. I have prayed to multiple godas and also crossed things I am pretty sure shouldn't be crossed. We are a team no matter what the outcome!

  3. Thanks guys for the encouraging words on here and on facebook! Trying to stay positive and not get stressed out. John you have been doing a terrific job taking care of me and keeping me sane! I don't know what I would do without you!!!
