"Most important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when
there seemed to be no hope at all" -Dale Carnegie

Friday, July 29, 2011

Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming.

Hey guys, sorry it has taken me so long to update y'all- it has been one busy, exhausting, and emotional week. So after my appointments over the weekend my 1 egg was finally big enough about 21mm when everything was said and done. Monday was the day- insemination which meant that Saturday night after 10pm I had to take the HCG shot which would make me ovulate in about 36 hours. Monday morning we went into the drs and had the pleasure if being inseminated. I didn't know it was going to hurt like it did. They used a long catheter and stuck it all the way into my uterus and then injected John's sperm. It hurt while it was happening but the real pain did not start until later that day. I was cramping and throbbing so bad I couldn't even walk. I had to lay down and not move. Tuesday my smart ass tried to go back to work... That was a mistake! Everyone at work was very supportive but it just hard because I really could not do my job. Lets just say that I have not been back to work yet. I am feeling much better and yes I can walk now but there is still pressure in my uterus which I hope is a good thing.
The only bad thing about this whole thing is that there is nothing more I can do. All there is is waiting and waiting and waiting. At least throughout everything else I was doing something that was working towards the cause- pills, shots, dr appointments. Now the only thing is wait. I have a whole- very long two weeks before we know anything. Monday the 8th of August is the soonest I can test. The dr pretty much said it is cut and dry. Monday I am either pregnant or my period should start then. Man, I am so scared, nervous and oh so excited. We are really trying not to get our hopes up too much because this can be very devastating month but we are staying positive- that's all we can do.
So, all I ask is for you to pray for us- pray to whoever you pray to. We are doing the same thing. If you don't pray cross those fingers.. and toes! Thanks y'all!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Movin' Along

Well guys I have been doing exactly what the doctors have told me to do. I took Clomid for 5 days and then Menopur for four days. Man, I had no idea how much those shots would burn! But anyways I went to the drs yesterday to see if I was ready to get the shot that would make me ovulate. Unfortunitally my wonderful eggs are not ready. The good news though is that they are growing and that I need just a little bit more meds. Thankfully the Clomid did it's job and chose a small number of folliculs to mature and the Menopur is growing the ones that Clomid chose. I have one that is 10mm and the others that are in the 9mm range. In order to be able to ovulate they need to be around 18mm-22mm. So I have been put on more Menopur- only 3 days more to help them to continue to grow. On average they grow about 2mm a day. So we are getting closer. Sadly the longer it takes, the more Meds I need, and appointments only raised the cost of everything. Not being ready yesterday has pushed us over $600 more once everything is said and done. On Thursday I go back for another ultrasound to see if we are ready. Which also means no more money. Well except a little over $200 for insemination but I already knew that part. So fingers crossed and hopefully by the end of this weekend I will not only be able to ovulate but also be inseminated. Then we are in for the long haul... The waiting... But fingers crossed everyone!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Good News Bad News

So, I am trying to stay positive. Unexpectedly on Thursday I started my period. A lot of people would okay... and ... well for me having a period is an amazing almost impossible thing for me. So I was all excited and called my dr because now I have to get in within 3 days for an ultrasound and to start our fertility treatment. This would of been all fine and dandy except I just went in for all my blood work, John's blood work and other stuff has just been turned it and I just spent $40 on a drug to make me start, so now I feel rushed- excited to be moving forward naturally. It turns out though John's tests may not be back in time for insemination so we are keeping our fingers crossed that the timing will all work out.
I went into the drs on Saturday for my ultrasound and boy did it not go well. He takes a look at both my ovaries and is in shock. The amount for cysts has increased dramatically and now I also have 2 cysts on my cervix. This explains a lot when it comes to why I have been feeling so yucky lately. After seeing my ovaries the dr said he cannot prescribe my shots like we had intended. The risks are way too great for me and the one day baby. Also the chances of multiples are too high. We are not talking about two or three we are talking about octomom! So I am in near tears trying not to cry in front of the dr because now I  am out of options. He tells me he wants to try a mixture of drugs with me to see how I respond to it. I'm up for it because now there is a plan. So for 5 days- through Wednesday I am taking clomid again but not at the highest dose. Clomid is suppose to pick 1-3 eggs and start to mature them. If I did the shots the meds mature however many it wants which could mean 1 or 10 and since I have about 30 now on each side which all have the potential of growing and maturing. So now hopefully I will only have at least 1 but no more than a few growing. Then on Thursday evening we start the fertility shots Menopur and do that through Sunday. On Monday the 18th I go in for another ultrasound to take a look at my ovaries to see if any of my eggs responded to the treatment. If they did- which they better then I will get another shot to make me ovulate and then hopefully timing is right and insemination. If not insemination then we get to do it the old fashion way which is fine just not as final. Then we will know around the latter part of the first week of August if it worked!
Like I said this is wonderful news that I am trying something new and we are working towards our goal. The bad news though is my health and of coarse the cost. If this round doesn't work I am not sure when we are able to do it again...

Friday, July 1, 2011


Here is a easy to follow website that details the monthly fun that I am getting to look forward to. Also, it has great information on how the different injections work and what they all do. Oh, and don't forget every shot is on my poor behind given by John. I think he is look forward to it :)

Blood Work

Yesterday morning I went in to do my blood work at Kaiser. 8 viles of blood later and a bruise on my arm, I'm all set. I got most of my blood work back this morning and I seem to be okay in that sense. I am between all numbers that I should be at so this is a positive thing. I was worried with how everything else is going and how I have been feeling lately that there may have been an issue with the tests. So I am excited. Now we are just waiting for the information on John's blood work and waiting for the semen analysis to come back- not until next week but then we can move forward onto the appointments. I hate waiting it is all I seem to do but I am happy at the moment with the idea of moving forward with this and finally being able to conceive. Keeping our fingers crossed!