"Most important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when
there seemed to be no hope at all" -Dale Carnegie

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Movin' Along

Well guys I have been doing exactly what the doctors have told me to do. I took Clomid for 5 days and then Menopur for four days. Man, I had no idea how much those shots would burn! But anyways I went to the drs yesterday to see if I was ready to get the shot that would make me ovulate. Unfortunitally my wonderful eggs are not ready. The good news though is that they are growing and that I need just a little bit more meds. Thankfully the Clomid did it's job and chose a small number of folliculs to mature and the Menopur is growing the ones that Clomid chose. I have one that is 10mm and the others that are in the 9mm range. In order to be able to ovulate they need to be around 18mm-22mm. So I have been put on more Menopur- only 3 days more to help them to continue to grow. On average they grow about 2mm a day. So we are getting closer. Sadly the longer it takes, the more Meds I need, and appointments only raised the cost of everything. Not being ready yesterday has pushed us over $600 more once everything is said and done. On Thursday I go back for another ultrasound to see if we are ready. Which also means no more money. Well except a little over $200 for insemination but I already knew that part. So fingers crossed and hopefully by the end of this weekend I will not only be able to ovulate but also be inseminated. Then we are in for the long haul... The waiting... But fingers crossed everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. I have my finger crossed my love. I can not wait for this to happen. I am so proud of the strength you are showing through all of this. I love you with all my heart :)
