I'm so frustrated!! Why does everything have to so hard? It seems like every time there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel the light goes dark again. I have been trying a different form of fertility treatments. I wanted to try something that was less harmful to my body. Fertility drugs are very strong and in the long run can hurt you. I have been doing fertility accupuncture for almost 5 months now. My body had finially seemed to take to it and then completly stopped about 2 months ago. I believe accupuncture has helped me but not fully in the way I need it to and definitally not as fast as I would like it to. I know that nothing that is worth having is suppose to be easy or come fast but come on. I am actually thinking of going back the other way- to drugs. My doctor wants me to try a newer form of fertility treatments that is completly done by shots straight into the ass.- Owww. Not only do I have to get shot everyday but my wonderful husband gets to do it. I don't know what freaks me out more. This next step is a big one. My husband and I have to decide and figure out how to come up with $1,500 per cycle. Now in a perfect world we would do one cycle and I would be pregnant but when has anything gone the easy way? So we are looking at an extra $1,500 about every month and a half. And like the clomid, I am only alowed to do it for about 6 months before the doctors say no more. Now believe me $1,500 is a lot less than the 20 grand that is needed for the IVF. I think that is what is worrying me. If somehow we can come up with that money... there is a deadline and once we do it 6 times then we done. There is no more trying- well not with out the 20 grand needed for the other procedure. It seems so final. Also, stronger more invasive drugs means more side effects and higher chances of multiples. If anyone read or remembers me on clomid thats a scary thought. But we are both okay with it and want to try. I am trying to stay positive- I know, this is me being positive. Also,the percents look good for this to work- well better than clomid. I think the most stressful thing of all is of coarse the money. How are average people who work suppose to be able to come up with that much extra money.
My father- in-law joked and told me to get all my friends and family to gift us $100. That sounds great but not a likely or easy thing to do as well. So, if anyone has any suggestions on saving money we are all for it. So far, we have little saved but have cut out going out to eat, buying any extras like new clothes, we even went as far as keeping our smud bill down by not turing the air on- which has ot been horrible but we are in mid June and it's getting hotter. John and I do not make much money. I have read other peoples blogs on fertility websites and I am shocked at how ignorant some people can be. People go as far as saying if you are not healthy enough for your body to get pregant than you should'nt have children to if you can't afford the treatments how can you afford being parents. Let's just say Ouch. Those words hurt and once pregant things seem to be able to fall in place. If everyone waited to have chidren until they were finanicially stable then there would be no morre people on the earth. So please, if you have suggestions or want to help in anyway stay on the positive side. Mean word hurt and this is suppose to help not shut me down more. Thanks guys!
Thres a difference in being able to afford a child and spending 20k at one time, I can't believe that anyone would compare the two. Don't take in a word of negativity like that, because there are plenty of people who can afford children but are horrible parents. I'll keep praying for you and let me know if there is anything I can do. I do hate the thought of fertility drugs because they can be so harmful but at least the aide effects aren't as bad as th clomid. I had no idea they put you on that.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry love! It is going to happen for you I know it!
ReplyDeleteThanks Mira! I know that there are ignorant people out there and many who do not understand but it's hard to see that sometimes when it's a subject that is so close to my heart. But thanks for the love and kind words and thank you for always supporting me!